Annual review 2023: Peace in a challenging climate
Scroll downWe make peace possible
Everyone has a right to live without violent conflict. For 30 years we have been working directly with people impacted by war and violence around the world.
Peacebuilders in action
We’re a group of passionate peacebuilders committed to stopping violent conflict and creating more peaceful societies everywhere. Explore the latest insights from our staff and partners.
Janet Adama Mohammed
West Africa Programme Director, Conciliation Resources
Froilyn Mendoza
Founder of Téduray Lambangian Women’s Organization (TLWOI)
Timeline heading
30 years of building peace
Deeper Learning
We share lessons from peace processes across the globe and use past experience to shape solutions for the future.
Still time to talk

How can mediators adapt to the changing realities of conflict and global politics? Accord 30 examines the evolving mediation landscape and explores innovative approaches to engage armed groups, navigate the digital environment, and ensure diverse views are incorporated into peace processes.
February 2024
Research reports
Practical guidance and toolkits
Practical guidance and toolkits
Practical guidance and toolkits
Practical guidance and toolkits