Location: Any (remote working)
Duration: Consultant to propose (guide: 3 months)
Total Days Consultant to propose (guide: 15-20 days)
Reporting to: HR Director, plus staff forum representatives
Interview Panel: HR Director, plus staff forum representatives
We are seeking an external expert to work with staff to examine issues of institutional racism within the organisation, to conduct foundational training, and to make recommendations. This consultancy will help us to tackle institutional racism. We view this as an initial formative step. We want to perform an analysis and understand challenges at the organisation.
The process to achieve these aims will be guided by the consultant. We envisage that the experiences of current and former staff may be beneficial to building understanding. Most of our staff are based in London but we also have staff in several overseas offices in different timezones.
We envisage that this consultant will help us assess and understand the challenges and problems at Conciliation Resources and that we will subsequently decide how to digest and act on that information alongside recommendations from the consultant.
All proposals should be emailed to Conciliation Resources’s recruitment email address at recruitment@c-r.org with the title ‘Anti- Racism’.
The deadline for receipt of proposals is 9am (UK Time), 9 October 2020.
Download the Terms of Reference for further detail.