Exclusion and inequality based on gender and other forms of identity is a key driver of conflict. Unequal power relations, harmful norms, exclusionary systems and gender-based violence are associated with increased vulnerability to conflict and the use of more severe forms of violence. Understanding these dynamics allows us to uncover more transformational and sustainable pathways to peace.

Together with partner organisations, we are helping to shape international thinking and practice on gender, peace and security. We produce evidence and resources on the role of gender and inclusion in peacebuilding. We show the importance of including the views and interests of a wide range of people in peace and mediation processes, and promote the meaningful participation of diverse groups through inclusive local financing initiatives. We provide advice and toolkits equipping peacebuilding practitioners and decision-makers to mainstream gender into their work, produce cutting-edge research and analysis on areas such as masculinities and the increasingly pertinent nexus between gender, climate change and conflict.