Clan linkages across the state borders of Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia mean that conflicts in the Horn of Africa simply can’t be resolved in isolation. As well as historic ethnic violence and marginalisation, new challenges are emerging such as control of devolved resources, natural resource conflict and terrorism.

Two decades of fighting in the Somali Regional State (Ogaden) of Ethiopia has left the region one of the poorest in the country – two million people are dependent on food aid each year. But in 2018, after six years of negotiation support from Conciliation Resources, a peace deal was signed. Now, the challenge is to make sure the peace deal sticks.

Northern Kenya has a long history of ethnic violence and marginalisation. But now, terrorism, resource extraction and devolution are intensifying existing local conflicts and raising new challenges for the region’s traditional forms of peacebuilding. We work with community and national peacebuilders to help them respond to these new drivers of conflict.

In prison I was in a desperate situation, as if between life and death. Now I have a new life, with new hopes and ambitions.
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