One of the easiest ways to support our work to prevent violence and build peace is to give a one-off or regular gift via our website form.

You could mark a special occasion such as a birthday, wedding or anniversary, or remember a loved one, by asking for donations in support of our work. You can set up an online donation page using Just Giving. Or collate donations and then pay them directly to us. Get in touch for more information.

If you would prefer, you can send us a cheque through the post. Send all cheques to: Conciliation Resources, Unit 1.1, First Floor, The Grayston Centre, 28 Charles Square, London, N1 6HT, UK. If you want an acknowledgement, don’t forget to include your name and contact details.

Why not donate for free as you shop? All you have to do is set up an account with Give as You Live, and a percentage of everything you spend will be donated directly to Conciliation Resources to support our vital work with people living with conflict.

Use Ziffit to sell your old books, CDs, DVDs and games, and then select the "Donate" option at check-out to pass the proceeds onto Conciliation Resources.

Remembering us in your will is the best way to ensure that our long-term peacebuilding work can continue. Through your legacy, you will be investing in the future of people affected by conflicts worldwide. Find out more.

If you are based in the United States and would like to donate via cheque or wire transfer, we are able to receive donations through the King Baudouin Foundation United States (KBFUS) via every.org.